July 2021 Release Notes
What’s New?
Self-Registered Districts: Adding Students to Classes
Item numbers in Aggregate Gradebook
Assignment Information
To make it easier for teachers to navigate to different assignments of a resource, the assignment information on the resource card links to all assignments of that content.
This example shows that Digital Interactive End of Topic 1 Assessment was assigned twice.
Clicking on 2X opens the modal below and the two assignments made are visible
The 2X used in this example is for demonstration. This will show all the assignments that you have made for that particular content.
Self-Registered Districts: Adding Students to Classes
When logged in to your Carnegie Learning Lesson Materials account, navigate to the “Classes” tab at the top of your screen.
While on the Classes navigation tab, select the class that you would like to add students.
Once you have selected your class, you will notice two options in the top-right corner of your screen: “Add Existing Student” or “Add New Student”. Select the option that best suits your need.
To Add Existing Student, click the “Add Existing Student” button. From there you will be taken to a list of students within your district. Select the student or students that you would like to add by clicking the white “Add” button. Once selected, you will notice the button changes from a white “Add” button, to a black “Added” button. When you have selected all of your students, click “Save”.
Once saved, you will see your students added to this class roster
To Add New Student, click the “Add New Student” button in the top right corner of your class page. Once clicked, you will encounter a pop up where you may nenter student information. See below for an example.
When you have finished creating the new student, click the “Save” button. You will see your newly created student appear in the selected class roster.
Item numbers in Aggregate Gradebook
Item numbers (rather than slide numbers) are now shown on the Aggregate Gradebook, slide number is still available in rollover text.
To go to the Aggregate Gradebook, click on the ‘All Assignments’ button on any assignment.
The top row will now refer to item numbers. The roll over will show the slide number.
Table Of Contents (TOC) Course Navigation has been given increased prominence
A button prominently named ‘Quick Nav’ is now added to make the TOC course navigation feature explicit in the user interface.
Terminology change
Final slide of the lesson now refers to the “end” of the lesson rather than “concludes”