Closing an Assignment in Clear Learning Center
Teachers can Close Submissions for assignments, preventing students from accessing those assignments and submitting them. This feature allows teachers to control the number of active assignments visible in a class, enabling them to enforce deadlines effectively.
Assignments can be closed from the Assignments Page.
If you are viewing assignments in list view, select the three dots next to the assignment you wish to close. Then, select Close Submissions from the dropdown menu.
If you are viewing assignments in tile view, select the three dots in the upper right corner of the tile for the assignment you wish to close. Then, select Close Submissions from the dropdown menu.
You will see a confirmation pop-up describing the action. Select Close Submissions to confirm your choice.
If an assignment is Closed and no students have started the assignment, the assignment will be unassigned from the class and no longer visible to the you in Assignments.
If students have already completed the assignment and/or are In Progress, the assignment will be moved to the Inactive tab and you will see a “Closed” status noted next to the assignment name.
At any time, you may reopen the assignment by selecting Reassign from the dropdown menu.
What does this mean for my students?
By default, Closed Assignments do not show in the student’s My Assignments page.
Student can view Closed Assignments by checking the “Show Closed Assignments” box. This will show all closed assignments regardless of status, including Not Started.