Our 24/7 digital Sample Center contains everything you need for a full and detailed review of our high-quality learning and teaching resources for K-12 math, ELA, and world languages.

ClearMath Sample Center

Interested in exploring our K-12 math offerings? You'll love our core solutions: ClearMath® Elementary, Middle School Math Solution, and High School Math Solution. And don't forget our award-winning supplemental offerings, MATHia®, MATHia Adventure, and MATHstream®!

ClearLanguages Sample Center

Interested in exploring the rigorous language curriculum and dynamic cultural experiences that make up our K-12 world language programs? If you teach Spanish, Spanish for Spanish speakers, French, German, Chinese, or Italian, you're in the right place.

ClearLiteracy Sample Center

Interested in the great content and abundant resources in our K-12 literacy solutions? Dive into our 6-12 core ELA curriculum, Lenses on Literature™, and our K-12 supplemental solutions, Fast ForWord® and ClearFluency™.