Getting the data you need has never been easier.
We've taken your feedback to improve the MATHia Reporting experience! Check out all the new updates we have for you:
NEW Standards Report (October 2019) - See how students and groups of students are mastering the standards!
NEW Progress Report beta release (September 2019) - See how students and groups of students are progressing at a glance!
Updated Homepage and Navigation (July 2019)
NEW Skills Report beta release (July 2019) – Back by popular demand! This Report provides detailed information about each student’s skill mastery progress organized by module, unit and workspace. Group students according to their skill mastery level and identify skills that need additional support or remediation.
Redesigned Session Report (July 2019) - Gives you a day-to-day view of MATHia usage. The class view of this report gives a clear view of student activity during a selected period of time and helps you determine if your students are meeting their MATHia usage goals. Current MATHia users can learn more here.
And that's not all! There's more to come:
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