Texas educators are incentivizing consistent learning routines and empowering students.
Students learn best when they’re motivated.
That’s why Dannelle Coatney-Reichert embarked on a journey to increase student investment in math through the Livingston Junior High MATHia Challenge. As the Math Instructional Coach at the junior high school in the Livingston Independent School District about an hour north of Houston, Texas, Coatney-Reichert has seen first-hand the potential power of MATHia.
“I know the growth that can occur when MATHia is used consistently and with fidelity. Therefore, I challenge the student body to meet a minimum of 90 minutes per week.”
Every student who uses MATHia for 90 minutes per week is entered in a drawing held by the PTO. At the end of the 9-week challenge, the highly anticipated drawing is held.
“I look forward to passing out tickets weekly to students that meet their goals. The smile on the faces of the nine-week winners was priceless,” Coatney-Reichert reports. “Students look forward to meeting their MATHia goal each week.”
Two star students also receive trophies. The Top Student trophy goes to the student who spent the most time in MATHia, and the Top Growth trophy goes to the student who achieved the most growth. As an added bonus, at the end of the year, the school even hosts a celebration for all students who completed all MATHia workspaces.
The first trophy winners of this year were announced on October 27, 2022, and their pictures were shared on the Livingston Junior High School Facebook page. Eighth grade student Josylin Clark blew everyone away by demonstrating 60.7% growth in MATHia during the first nine weeks of the school year. Congratulations, Josylin!
MATHia is the one-on-one adaptive, personalized software that supports each student just like a math coach. Students can work at their own pace and get just-in-time supports, so all learners can excel on grade-level content as they flex their math muscles.
According to Coatney-Reichert, “MATHia challenges students to engage in their own education.”
We can’t wait to see Coatney-Reichert continue to raise students’ energy levels and motivation around math learning with these incentives!
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