The brand new Carnegie Learning Middle School Math Solution textbooks are in classrooms and we're asking what teachers have to say about the new book (and its new look!)
You previously met Carrie Clemment, an 8th grade math teacher at John Muir Middle School who is using the new Carnegie Learning Middle School Math Solution textbook with her students this fall. We followed up with Carrie to see how things are going in Wausau, Wisconsin.
"The use of the patty paper - especially in the introductory stages of translations and reflections - really helped my students visualize the movement. It was exciting to watch them then transition away from the patty paper and just do the process using coordinates instead. It was a natural progression once they had established what the movement was all about.
I REALLY like the introduction to proportional relationships and the multiple representations of those (Module 2, Topic 1). It's been exciting for me to watch my students work through the first material and really get it! The development of the concepts in the beginning of Module 2 has been really good and students who have struggled in the past are feeling much more confident in their understanding at this point. I hope that trend continues as we push ahead!"
Carnegie Learning is helping students learn why, not just what. Born from more than 30 years of learning science research at Carnegie Mellon University, the company has become a recognized leader in the ed tech space, using artificial intelligence, formative assessment, and adaptive learning to deliver groundbreaking solutions to education’s toughest challenges. With the highest quality offerings for K-12 math, ELA, literacy, world languages, professional learning and more, Carnegie Learning is changing the way we think about education, fostering learning that lasts.
Explore more related to this authorStudents who have struggled in the past are feeling much more confident in their understanding.
Carrie Clemment, Teacher, John Muir Middle School
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