The brand new Carnegie Learning Middle School Math Solution textbooks are in classrooms and we're asking what teachers have to say about the new book (and its new look!)
We’re so proud of the teachers we work with who are living the LONG + LIVE + MATH spirit in their classrooms every day. This year, many of them are using the brand new Carnegie Learning Middle School Math Solution textbook, and they’ll be sharing their experiences with us throughout the fall!
Jackie is an 8th grade math teacher at Trevor-Wilmot School in Wisconsin. This is her 7th year of teaching, and she teaches both Course 3 and Algebra. Fun Fact: Jackie's family moved often while she was growing up, resulting in an interesting hodgepodge accent that one might call a Southern-Michigander mix.
"I am using standards-based grading for the very first time this year, which can seem like an overwhelming task, but I had the realization that Carnegie has done most of the work for me.
The Teacher Implementation Guide is an awesome resource for teachers! The Pacing Guide is helpful and has made planning easier. This year they included pacing for MATHia, which is incredibly helpful when talking with parents because the program is driven by student motivation.
The Family Letter has cut down on my preparing time. Carnegie has done a fantastic job including everything I would say to parents and so much more.
The Facilitation Notes are a great tool when you are trying to figure out the higher level questions to ask your students. I wish I would have had this as a first year teacher! The misconception and different strategy parts would have helped me tremendously by preparing me for difficult questions from students."
"I am looking forward to seeing how the Middle School Math Solution Course 3 develops the students' math sense. I look forward to seeing what connections the students make with the new arrangement of topics. I'm already impressed that in the first topic, transformations are separated into Rigid Motion and Dilation. This is helping my students truly understand the concept of congruence versus similar. The students were also able to 'wow' me by using their prior knowledge of ratios to have great discussions during the Dilation topic."
Carnegie Learning is helping students learn why, not just what. Born from more than 30 years of learning science research at Carnegie Mellon University, the company has become a recognized leader in the ed tech space, using artificial intelligence, formative assessment, and adaptive learning to deliver groundbreaking solutions to education’s toughest challenges. With the highest quality offerings for K-12 math, ELA, literacy, world languages, professional learning and more, Carnegie Learning is changing the way we think about education, fostering learning that lasts.
Explore more related to this authorThe Teacher Implementation Guide is an awesome resource for teachers!
Jackie Glover, Trevor-Wilmot School
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