The brand new Carnegie Learning Middle School Math Solution textbooks are in classrooms and we're asking what teachers have to say about the new book (and its new look!)
We’re so proud of the teachers we work with who are living the LONG + LIVE + MATH spirit in their classrooms every day. This year, many of them are using the brand new Carnegie Learning Middle School Math Solution textbook, and they’ll be sharing their experiences with us throughout the fall!
Janet Folkerts, Hillside Elementary School
Janet teaches 7th and 8th grade math at Hillside Elementary School in Illinois. She just began her 4th year of teaching. Janet has had an opportunity to use her math skills from a young age, because she has 4 sisters and 3 brothers!
"My initial reaction to the text was excitement! I love how everything is in one book: the warm up, the lessons, and the assignments. This makes the lessons flow much better!
My students' reactions were very positive as well. They enjoy the new design and colors in the textbook. They have also made comments like, 'It is much easier to follow and understand than the old textbook.'"
"I am mostly looking forward to the pacing. Last year I was very overwhelmed with how long the text was. I only have 42 minute periods so the new text is much better for my class!"
Carnegie Learning is helping students learn why, not just what. Born from more than 30 years of learning science research at Carnegie Mellon University, the company has become a recognized leader in the ed tech space, using artificial intelligence, formative assessment, and adaptive learning to deliver groundbreaking solutions to education’s toughest challenges. With the highest quality offerings for K-12 math, ELA, literacy, world languages, professional learning and more, Carnegie Learning is changing the way we think about education, fostering learning that lasts.
Explore more related to this authorI love how everything is in one book: the warm up, the lessons, and the assignments. This makes the lessons flow much better!
Janet Folkerts, Hillside Elementary School
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