The brand new Carnegie Learning Middle School Math Solution textbooks are in classrooms and we're asking what teachers have to say about the new book (and its new look!)
We’re so proud of the teachers we work with who are living the LONG + LIVE + MATH spirit in their classrooms every day. This year, many of them are using the brand new Carnegie Learning Middle School Math Solution textbook, and they’ll be sharing their experiences with us throughout the fall!
Stephanie Sablich, Liberty Junior High School
Stephanie teaches 7th and 8th grade math at Liberty Junior High School in Burbank, Illinois. She's been teaching for three years, and loves to travel. In fact, she just traveled to Vienna, Budapest, and Croatia this summer.
"I really enjoy the opening section with the warm-up, essential question, and the learning goals. My favorite lesson so far is Module 1, Topic 1, Lesson 2: "That's a Spicy Pizza" because the students problem-solve to produce the formula for the area of a circle. I also like the assignment piece and how the intensity of the problems increases as they work. They're a good reflection of what was covered in class."
"I like the layout of the new text and all of its additional components. For example, I like the addition of the warm up in the front of the sections and the homework in the back of the sections. The homework correlates nicely with the problems the students do in class. It provides the students with additional practice, but is not overwhelming as before. The book appears to be more condensed, but still with the rigorous problems from before.
I also like the connections the book makes between topics, such as using ratios and circles in the same unit. This establishes connections between different math topics, which helps build fluidity when solving problems from different topics. I am most looking forward to the students using the new book and getting their input."
Carnegie Learning is helping students learn why, not just what. Born from more than 30 years of learning science research at Carnegie Mellon University, the company has become a recognized leader in the ed tech space, using artificial intelligence, formative assessment, and adaptive learning to deliver groundbreaking solutions to education’s toughest challenges. With the highest quality offerings for K-12 math, ELA, literacy, world languages, professional learning and more, Carnegie Learning is changing the way we think about education, fostering learning that lasts.
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