There are educators all over the country bringing the LONG + LIVE + MATH Movement to life in their worlds. We'd like to introduce you to some of them.
Tidewater Collegiate Academy (TCA) is a private homeschool in Virginia Beach, Virginia that serves students from pre-K through 12th grade. Wendy Scott, Founder and Director of TCA, and her co-teacher Amy Schleeper, have created a flipped classroom environment where students sit and work together in small groups. They're encouraged to collaborate and work independently at their own pace.
What's unique about TCA is that the students across grade levels share the same space, which allows for even deeper collaboration and discovery. A 6th grader, for example, can talk to an Algebra 2 student about the math they're working through. In addition, TCA is a laboratory school for Virginia Wesleyan University. Pre-service teachers work with students at the Academy in preparation for their future careers in the classroom. They are each assigned a small group of students to facilitate mathematical activities and investigations.
Tidewater Collegiate Academy uses the Carnegie Learning Middle School and High School Math Solution to foster this type of environment. Wendy says, "We love it. For the students, it's a new way of thinking about math."
According to Amy, student confidence increases when using MATHia, the adaptive math learning platform that provides a personalized learning experience for every student. "Students are able to see the Progress Bar, which gives them reinforcement that they're doing something right. Their confidence increases, so they're willing to try things on their own rather than having a textbook open, waiting for someone to instruct them on what to do. It builds their independence." Wendy adds, "The kids really love MATHia. They want to get on the computer and see the Progress Bar move. We have them write journals afterwards, and it's exciting to see that after they've completed a section, they're able to articulate what they've learned, what the challenges were, and how they want to move forward."
TCA staff is also really pleased with the new Middle School Math Solution textbook. "The kids have talked about how much they like the book," Wendy says. "We also have a lot of volunteers and mentors who come in to work with the kids one-on-one, and everybody really likes the layout of the book and how things are sequenced. We also really appreciate that the MATHia sequence matches the book so closely."
Special things are happening at Tidewater Collegiate Academy, and Wendy and Amy look forward to continuing this work and seeing the gains made by their students. "We're excited that they are challenged, conceptually and contextually, and developing mathematical habits."
Carnegie Learning is helping students learn why, not just what. Born from more than 30 years of learning science research at Carnegie Mellon University, the company has become a recognized leader in the ed tech space, using artificial intelligence, formative assessment, and adaptive learning to deliver groundbreaking solutions to education’s toughest challenges. With the highest quality offerings for K-12 math, ELA, literacy, world languages, professional learning and more, Carnegie Learning is changing the way we think about education, fostering learning that lasts.
Explore more related to this authorWe're excited that students are challenged, conceptually and contextually, and developing mathematical habits.
Wendy Scott, Founder and Director of Tidewater Collegiate Academy
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