Understanding how certain factors impact students as they enter middle school is critical to helping them succeed.
Research shows that as students enter middle school, many start to lose interest in academic success. There are a number of reasons why, and understanding these reasons and how they impact students is critical to helping them overcome and succeed.
Our Research Team developed a guide with four key areas that middle school math teachers can focus on to support and motivate their students.
Steve Ritter is Founder and Chief Scientist at Carnegie Learning. He has been developing, analyzing and evaluating educational technology for over 20 years. He earned his Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University and was instrumental in the development and evaluation of the Cognitive Tutors for mathematics. He is the author of numerous papers on the design, architecture and evaluation of Intelligent Tutoring Systems and other advanced educational technology. He currently leads the research team at Carnegie Learning, focusing on improving the educational effectiveness of its products and services. Each year, over 500,000 students use Carnegie Learning’s mathematics curricula.
Explore more related to this authorRecent research on academic achievement shows that students’ beliefs about the nature of intelligence, their goals within a learning task, and their perception of expectations about them have strong effects on their academic performance.
Dr Steve Ritter, Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, Carnegie Learning
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