We owe it to our students to change the state of math education in the U.S.
According to the latest results from the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), U.S. students have made little to no gains in math learning between 2015 and 2017.
It's also clear that the achievement gap between higher-achieving students and lower-achieving students is widening. Education Dive reports:
"An increase in reading scores among higher-performing 8th-graders was the only significant improvement, but those increases were offset by a lack of growth among lower-scoring students. A similar trend was seen in 8th-grade math, with average scores of those scoring above the 75th percentile increasing and the scores of students below the 50th percentile decreasing."
"Nationally, math and reading scores for student subgroups remained largely the same as in 2015, meaning that gaps between white and black students and white and Hispanic students also didn’t change."
These results offer even more evidence that we owe it to our students to change the state of math education in the U.S. It's why we exist as a company, and why we are committed to partnering with schools and districts to completely transform math learning.
Carnegie Learning is helping students learn why, not just what. Born from more than 30 years of learning science research at Carnegie Mellon University, the company has become a recognized leader in the ed tech space, using artificial intelligence, formative assessment, and adaptive learning to deliver groundbreaking solutions to education’s toughest challenges. With the highest quality offerings for K-12 math, ELA, literacy, world languages, professional learning and more, Carnegie Learning is changing the way we think about education, fostering learning that lasts.
Explore more related to this authorU.S. students have made little to no gains in math learning between 2015 and 2017. It's also clear that the achievement gap between higher-achieving students and lower-achieving students is widening.
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